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Four undergrad students were graduated from our lab. Hopefully the experience in the scientific research will help their next career and their future life. See the previous post for their researches. 




We had final presentations for bachelor's degree. All 4 students in the lab had great presentations! Hopefully their experiences in research will help their future works.

Chikako Yoshida: Influence of milk peptide intake on thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses at rest in humans

Yuka Fujiki: Influence of milk peptide intake on thermoregulatory and cardiovascular responses during exercise in humans

Anna Igarashi: Influence of localized beta-adrenergic receptors blockade on non-thermal sweating response.

Daichi Hiramatsu: Influence of localized beta-adrenergic receptors blockade on mental sweating responses on the palm.


11/12-18に行われた17th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics(国際環境人間工学会)に参加した時の写真をアップしました.私自身は17日のEarly Career Researcher Symposiumでイギリスの若手研究者と共に研究成果を発表させてもらいました(写真左上,中上).発表は,少し時間を余らせてしまいましたが,内容はまあ良かったのではと思います.英語はもうちょっと上達しないとだめですね.久しぶりに多くの友達に会えたのも楽しかったです.世界中に友達や知り合いができるのも,研究の良い所です.研究で世界的に活躍したいと思っているような熱い大学院生募集中です!

Some pics from ICEE at Kobe. It was a great time to talk science and meet friends. Hopefully my lab will keep attending this conference and will have good connections and collaborations.



It snows and a long winter season has just started.. should study for cold adaptation?


神戸大学で開催されたセミナー「International Research Seminar for Human Adaptation」に参加し,Dr Toby Mundel(Messey University, NZ)の講演を聞きました.また,新潟での研究成果を発表(Mechanisms of sweat gland adaptation to habitual exercise training: roles of nitric oxide, cyclooxygenase, and beta-adrenaline)して貴重なご意見を頂くことができ,有意義な時間を過ごすことができました.将来的には自分で,新潟でセミナーを開催できるように努力しなければいけないなあと感じました.26日には大阪国際大学を訪問し,発汗に関する研究について講義とディスカッションを行いました.

I have visited Kobe Uni to participate a seminar "International Research Seminar for Human Adaptation". Dr Toby Mundel has presented a topic entitled "Sex, sweating and sports performance". There are many interesting and new findings for me. I have presented my own data as well (Mechanisms of sweat gland adaptation to habitual exercise training: roles of nitric oxide, cyclooxygenase, and beta-adrenaline).



New semester has just started. Sakura in Niigata is a bit slow relative to my previous experiences. Hopefully we will have a good school new year.

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