新潟県新潟市西区五十嵐2の町8050 新潟大学教育学部
Niigata University, Faculty of Education, 8050, Ikarashi-Ninocho, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan
Lectures for Exercise and Environmental Physiology
We sometimes have lectures for exercise and environmental physiology as well as physical education. We aimed to develop our understandings of these research topics and to find new integrative insights into our original education and research. You can see the poster by clicking the name of researcher.
【第15回】2024年3月 March, 2024
講師:Tomas Michon
所属:Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
演題:Sports Science for Occupational and Public Health
【第14回】2023年10月 Oct, 2023
所属:National University of Singapore, Singapore
演題:Sports Science for Occupational and Public Health
【第13回】2023年5月 May, 2023
講師①:Dr Jim Cotter
所属:University of Otago, NZ
演題①:Perspectives on heat stress: Issues of method, dose, adaptation and geolocation
演題②:Hot-water immersion for improving cardiovascular health
【第12回】2022年11月 Nov, 2022
所属:Massey University, NZ
演題:Do estrogen and progesterone influence thermoregulation?
【第11回】2022年6月 June, 2022
所属:Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
演題:Exploring the influence of ethnic differences in determining the relationship between skin wettedness and thermal discomfort
【第10回】2020年11月 Jan, 2020
所属:Massey University, NZ
演題:Towards Tokyo 2020: How can athletes be ready for your Summer Games?
【第9回】2019年11月 Nov, 2019
所属:JSPS oversea research fellow, Kobe Design University
演題:Physiological determinants of exercise tolerance in health and disease
【第8回】2019年11月 Nov, 2019
所属:JSPS oversea research fellow, Kobe University
演題:How does tropical heat affect endurance performance? Insights into the effect of female reproductive hormones and vapor pressure
【第7回】2019年8月 August, 2019
所属:University of Leeds, UK
演題:Muscle weakness in health and disease
【第6回】2019年7月 July, 2019
所属:Loughborough University, UK
演題:Understanding interactions between hypoxia and cold-induced autonomic responses: Current research and experiences as a UK student
【第5回】2019年5月 May, 2019
所属:Seoul National University, South Korea
演題:Safety and Health in Extreme Environments
【第4回】2019年2月 Feb, 2019
所属:Loughborough University, UK
演題:The role of combined stressors in human performance and physiology
:Industrial collaborations in environmental physiology and thermoregulation
【第3回】2018年7月 July, 2018
所属:JSPS oversea research fellow, Kobe University
演題:Study and Research in Sports Science
【第2回】2017年1月 January, 2017
講師:Dr Nicola Gerrett
所属:JSPS oversea research fellow, Kobe University, University of Worcester
演題:Eccrine sweat glands ion reabsorption: the influence of rest and exercise
【第1回】2016年7月 July, 2016
講師:Dr Nicola Gerrett
所属:JSPS oversea research fellow, Kobe University, University of Worcester
演題:Effects of exercise training on thermal/cold perceptions during active and passive heat stress